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Product Spotlight: Braided Bully Sticks

May 05, 2021 1 min read
dog chewing a braided bully stick next to a pile of logs

Our Bully Sticks are a popular chew for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Digestible and all-natural, bully sticks are a fun chewing experience for your dog. For a longer-chew, the Braided Bully Stick is a thicker option for larger dogs and stronger chewers.

The Braided Bully Stick is made from three standard bully sticks twisted together. Available in a variety of lengths, Braided Bully Sticks make a great choice for dogs of all sizes, especially aggressive chewers.

Dogs love to chew. Chewing is entertaining and something that they do instinctively. Dogs chew things to investigate them withtheir mouths. Being naturally curious, this allows them to explore different smells and tastes. Chewing also reduces anxiety and helps clean their teeth.

The braided bully stick is a great chewing option for dogs. Not only do dogs love the taste, but our bully sticks are made from all-natural, single-ingredient beef, and are a protein-rich treat. The braided bully stick also promotes dogs’ dental health by engaging the gums and preventing the buildup oftartar and plaque.

This natural alternative to rawhide is made without additional preservatives or chemicals, and are highly digestible. Braided bully sticks are all-natural, so they may vary slightly in thickness. Particularly well suited for larger dogs and more aggressive chewers, these bully sticks are extra durable. Available in 6-inch and 12-inches, the braided bully stick is a great chew for dogs of all sizes.

Treat your dog with a braidedbully stick today or one of our delicious treats. For dog tips and tricks, check out our blog.

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